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Has the new ed been the kiss of death - debate...

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Postdog | 20:49 Fri 09th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
seriously, is anything happening in here?


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well a lot of people seem to have left
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I may enjoy being called a tw@t... leather head
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He's banished the idiots, what is their not too like about that?
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It would appear the reason so many people have gone was tthat Knobby was running 20 different personas at anyone time.

19 of those 20 had fallen out with each other too!
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LOL Dave, it comes to something when you're not even talking to yourself.
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i think G - nome is sexy, I wonder if we can have a picture of him. (that's probably the drink talking lol)
123 I am not sure but I think I have falen out with myself.
maybe even fallen

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Has the new ed been the kiss of death - debate...

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