I'm sure this has been covered many times, but please is there something I can take to prevent being bitten constantly. I use well known anti- mosquito sprays, have a raid plug-in and burn citronela candles yet still the blighters get me daily.
I know you can get anti-malaria tabs - do anti mozzie tablets exist?
Please help.
I have heard that B vitamins make your blood smell less attractive to mosquitos, however there seems to be some discrepancy as to which B vitamin is the most useful: http://www.guardian.co.uk/notesandqueries/query/0,5753,-24800,00.html
Skin so Soft from Avon is really good especially the blue one. Use both shower gel and the dry oil spray. Eating marmite every day one week before going and while on holiday also helps.
It wont prevent the biting - but it WILL really help the itching once you have been bitten... Go to Boots and get one of those little 'clickers'..they emit a little electrical current when clicked ON the bite - and they REALLY DO WORK.. The itching goes away - so then you dont scratch and the bite doesnt get red and inflamed....
I have two of them!
The Avon Skin So Soft dry oil body spray (the green one). I used to get terribly bitten (I could count over 30 bites on my body at once), but since using this I have had only one or two bites a year.