KM Links Game - October week 2 results in The AnswerBank: Quizzes & Puzzles
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KM Links Game - October week 2 results

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seekeerz | 06:04 Mon 12th Oct 2009 | Quizzes & Puzzles
5 Answers
Good morning everyone - looks like it was one of THOSE weekends again, when we had more choices than we could cope with in spite of there being no "curly" ones.

I was pleasantly surprised to find a number of people letting down their guards and admitting to a couple of personal traits which I realised I might inadvertently started with my choice of Dragon Lady [ha ha - and you can be quiet too, Strix and Dustybun !! ] It did my heart good to find the number of Nut Cases alive and well and admitting to it - Freud and Jung and all that crowd would have had a ball !!!

Right, enough nonsense, today's matches were -

Storm Cloud - 5 takers
Date Stamp - 5 takers
Hazel Nut - 4 takers
Snap Dragon - 7 takers

From that, you'll all get the message that overall, not too many points were handed out, but there were some noteworthy efforts among them, namely TEARINGHAIR, ROSLYN251254, ECCLES & CPFCROSIEL - all of whom picked up three points for 2 correct matches, while 13 other entrants collected a point each.

And for the rest of us - well we're just biding our time and waiting for the appropriate moment to pounce!!! I'm running late, so will post this and be back S
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Ok, now for the all-important LEADER BOARD

Out in front, having added another point is LADYH - 7 points
Right behind, after two consistent weeks, CPFCROSIEL - 6 points
Next - LONDON_LASSY, TEARINGHAIR & ROSLYN251254 - 4 points

Congratulations to you all, and continue the good work next Saturday, when we shall all assemble same time, same place, to have another crack at it [ or vice versa !! ] till then have a good week, cheers, Steff
Thanks, Seekerz. I won't be able to join in for the next two weeks as I'll be visiting my family in California (it's a hard life!), so good look to everyone and I'll hope to be back for the fifth week.
Thanks Steff and well done the flying four. I fear that Kate has changed, fickle female - I'm sure it's not me!
thanks Steff ~ for everything except giving me any points!!! Until next week ~ enjoy! :0)
Oh well...next week!
Thanks Seekeerz.

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KM Links Game - October week 2 results

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