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Well, my Pygmy tale went down as well as....

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Bbbananas | 15:33 Tue 13th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
13 Answers
... a midget shopping for trousers in Long Tall Sally.

Must Try Harder. :-(


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Pygmist !
Or a criple with woodworm in his crutch !
Bias against midgets.......................reported


Ewww sounds disgusting tony - did I tell you my hair was fabulous - now if only someone would take me out for a spam dinner I'd be happy
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lol, DixieGal ! How's Pinkie and Perkie today ! lol
Sorry Peri i hate spam, i keep getting it on my computer.
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LOL tony - Dixie have you started naming them now ?
peri I do hope your talking about Dixies performing boobs LOL.
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i'm still ignoring you!
mcfluff who are you ignoring ? Dixies boobs ? Believe me it's very easy to do ! Sorry Dixie

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Well, my Pygmy tale went down as well as....

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