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john1066 | 21:52 Tue 13th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
12 Answers
Did you see the three leopards eating the ostrich alive last night ? How cool was that !!!


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No and no
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ditto was to peri
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Hi alba - can you smell the testosterone up in Scotland ?
you have a KFC near your
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you have a KFC near your £450.000 house...............oh dear
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It was sad, but it is nature. The killing and the sex in the animal world can be too much at times. There're the only parts I prefer not to watch in nature programmes. At 11.00 tonight on Eden channel - Journey of Life is on. That's a really good one. Follows Darwinism. Yesterday it was life in the seas and today it goes onto the land.
The 'cool' part was the leopards learning to hunt together for their mutual benefit.

I would never say that seeing anything killed is 'cool' - necessary, natural, bot not 'cool'.

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