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No, but I sometimes get the urge???

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Bobbisox | 21:03 Wed 14th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
16 Answers


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this is great, you don't have to
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this could be a long night
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it's my forte!!
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army captain is assigned to remote post in iraq
he notices a camel tied up outside the mens barracks and asks one of the soldiers-why is the camel there
soldier- well sir ,there are 250 men here and no women and well sir, sometimes the men get 'urges'
a month later the captain takes an 'urge' -he gets a ladder up against the back of the camel, drops his trousers and does the business to the camel
on finishing he says to a passing soldier-well is that how its done or is thats how its done
soldier- well not really sir, the men usually use the camel to take them to the brothel in the nearest town
Question Author
your'e not that far out yer tw@t lol
Lol beejay
beejay - I have just spat my cup of coffee all over my keyboard for laughing at your joke - ha ha ha ha

very good
Question Author
good one beejay, but my urge isn't for a
Maybe a camel afterwards
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I wonder'd who'd nicked me camel. LOL
sorry DEN-
the true ones are the best - no k

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No, but I sometimes get the urge???

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