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Cheers Joy

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DEN53 | 18:42 Thu 15th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
20 Answers
Thanks for ending your post.

Dizzybat is now officially off my christmas card list .......

ahmskunnint - thanks for your encouraging words - sorry I couldn't reply before CB pulled the switch.


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just popped back in to have a quick look at the post den - obviously that person mizzy whatever had her own ax to grind - no common sense no living in the real world and no answer to why the lady said what she did to you so what can you say - absolutely nothing just let the sense of humour come in and laugh about it cause that's what it deserves . See ya laters
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ahmskunnirt - you can still read it, but no more answers can be added. The 'nice things' were not wasted - I store them up and when you need a helping hand, I will be there. Simples

Just one more thing - do you think you could shorten your username, or can I have a pet name for you - its a very long name to type. {:o D

See ya later Peri
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Ok Kunni it is - your name is nearly as long as Mallam's answer to Jonah - ha ha ha
yes I got lost reading it aswell {:o D
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You sure can Anniebody - what can I call you?
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Annie - what about The Body - I think that was model Elle McPhersons nickname
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Annies Body is all mine
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yes, Annie, what you lack i've got ;)
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her pies?
Question Author
Good things come in small packages Annie

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Cheers Joy

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