Wow, another knee jerk, really quite shallow over-reaction to a complex issue. Do you read the Sun or the Daily Mail?
You don't seem to like people living on benefits, but you advocate chopping off limbs. So when those affected can't work because they've got no hands, I guess you don't think they'll start claiming incapacity benefit? Or maybe we could stop that "handout" too? Even to those deserving of it?
Your ideas would lead to an even greater social and economic divide between the poor (who will just get poorer without benefits or hands) and the rich. Less drunkeness on streets doesn't mean less drunkeness! All it would do is push the problem underground.
I'm fairly sure that 'chavettes' such as you describe are frowned upon now. It's not like that stops them though.
I guess you're in favour of repealing the Human Rights Act then? For all its faults, it's a step forward in a nation's treatment of humans, even though the press may make it seem otherwise at times. And how would we even know which parts of Sharia Law to use? The subjugation of women, the banning of alcohol? As Patrick Devlin said, "any society that doesn't enforce religious beliefs has lost the right to enforce religious morals".