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That was a big and a long funeral

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pericat | 13:44 Sat 17th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
Just switched on telly - so many well known people


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certainly was peri, It was a Requiem Mass wasn't ?
I am not familiar with them being a Protestant
Question Author
a funeral mass we call it. Give him his due ronan gave a very warm speech. Stephen was from inner city Dublin - a very tight knit community
yes it was very warm and they stayed with the body all night so he wouldn't be alone , at his Mums request, yes, peri, very moving it was
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I'm not a boyzone fan but that couldn't fail to touch you. I do believe the lads are all decent, nice lads
Role models if the sad one who p!ssed on the memorial is anything to go by, grrr,
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Yeh you're right - did you ever see the first time they were on telly over here - it's worth seeing
No but I will youtube it later peri, going out soon for a wee tipple, first all week with that bloody cold, but I am raring to
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enjoy and remember be careful out there
Very loyal family and friends and extremely moving and dignified -unlike one comment on this thread which it had to be said should have been on a seperate one- after all she's not shy of posting.
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Sorry dris - am lost LOL - don't know which you're talking about ??
O I dont want to perpetrate it and I know that Bobbi meant well but her comment was undignified for this type of thread-sorry but I just feel that bad language could have been posted on another thread.
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Maybe I'm very used to language but I didn't consider that to be offensive just a comment and as you said bobbi would have meant nothing by it. It did seem to be a very touching ceremoney.
I thought she was referring to something in Dublin but it was Sheffield so what has it to do with Stephen Gatelys funeral??????.A bit irreverant IMO.
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Just when I feel like it which isnt often I have to say.I miss the banter of the old timers like Leg and Knobby and of course Whiffey -just not the same anymore(:

Sorry for hi-jacking your thread pericat in order to answer a question.
what is this about dris?
I wasn't being disrespectful at all, don't see things that aren't there please

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That was a big and a long funeral

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