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fao of Spare Ed

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Bobbisox | 17:05 Sat 17th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
You are banning the wrong people!
Why NoKn???
I don't think anyone on here could be offended by his cynasism?
He has a dig, sure, but compared to the trolls of last night...
Where are you priorities???



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should that be synacism???
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and you don't use
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Agreed Bobbi -beyond the joke that the Ed tried to make of it now -its like he is put on the naughty step-grr-its a grown man we are talking about -perhaps with maturity will become wisdom.We can but hope.
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Ok, then I won't
what an odd way to pick and choose who should be banned
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last night was, to say the least...odd, Dris, but I don't think this guy is offensive at all!
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I wouldn't expect anything less..
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I was bedded about 10 so didnt see anything Joy x

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fao of Spare Ed

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