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anyone fancy a snifter later?

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Bobbisox | 19:01 Sun 18th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
47 Answers
I will be back after watching the XFactor, would you care to join me for a wee drink and some good music???


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what are 78's? that's more your generation I guess, you lost me there.
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No back then we had LPs and EPs and singlesand the odd 12" single ,plus cassettes and 8 track cartridges, you must be thinking of way before then, have you still got your collection? they may be worth something now.
I stopped buying CDs cos none of them would play on my Dansette.
was your dansette red and beige like mine?
Yes it was, dot. I spent hours admiring it. The good old days eh? You could put three or four records on at once, but mine was a bit wonky and it would always drop all the records in one go.

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anyone fancy a snifter later?

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