Well.....women.....sort of cultural really..............not 50 yrs ago, if someone had been married for more than 18months and had not been pregnant, then there was a touch of" something wrong with her." Parents wanted grandchildren and the pressure was on to have kids. The usual...doesn't he have his dad's eyes , my , what a lovely baby....the are ALL ugly and look the same. School.....isn't he bright and ultra intelligent.............etc and I could go on.
Now, there seems to be a culture among some women....."I am not maternal" and not having children, these women do not miss ANYTHING, and I can see where they are coming from.
Why do people have children?
a) because they don't use contraception
b) to avoid going through life unfulfilled.
Mine?.....initially plated the father role.....now....the glamour soon wore off. OK at the time, but no big deal.
Some people treat parenthood as a sort of religion.....their whole life besotted by their "offspring"
To those career women who have not had children..............you haven't miss much and ignore the "hype"