I have been living with my partner for 7 years and found out that he paid £95 to join a sex web cam site for which he got about 20 minutes worth of one-one time with girls on there. This has made me feel unwanted and a bit sick to be honest. I have told him that I am finding this hard to deal with and he has apologised and said he did it through the stress he is going through at the moment. The thing is that he keeps doing things like this and knows that it hurts me and expects me just to understand everytime. Opinions please...
Disgusting... with a little research you can join a sex web cam site for a lot less than £95...
Seriously, if he's done this type of thing before... and continues to do so, even though he is fully aware of how much it is upsetting you, then you need to kick his sorry arse out the door...