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can i live in australia if im bankrupt?

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jazmin marie | 16:39 Mon 31st Mar 2008 | Business & Finance
5 Answers
If I am Bankrupt in England Can I still emigrate to Australia when my bankruptcy is over?


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So far as the law in England is concerned, you can leave the country while still bankrupt - but you must let the OR know where you are going, & he might be interested to know where you got the money from to be able to afford it.

After you are discharged the OR is only interested if you have an ongoing obligation to make payments under an IPA.

But you need to check whether Australia would accept you.
If it's a personal bankruptcy then that shouldn't affect your application to emigrate to Australia, but a serial bankrupt might have some problems under "character". If you are going with the intention of setting up a business then you might have problems.
But...what would you live on????
Australia is pretty picky about who they allow to live there.
You have to EITHER have a job waiting with a company who will act as your sponsor/guarantor OR be of a specialist skills group that they need there i.e. Doctors, Dentists, Science, Law or I.T Specialist, Specialist managment.
There are also character assesment references and police reference required, as well as health ones!
If the Australian state decide you might be a high risk of becoming a burden on the state (which bancruptcy may incline them to think) You will also require a relatively large amount of clear fund in your bank account, and evidence of such, to show you can support yourself.

I cant comment (obvioulsy!!) on what career you could offer to allow you into Oz, but i would question if you will have such a sum if you are newly discharged from bankruptcy.

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In answer to Kira000, the question didn't ask anything about highly skilled migration what so ever, this person may be applying for a spouse or defacto visa which don't require special skills at all, he/she asked about bankrupcy, read the question before answering!
Munkey.... Just wanted to repond to your post to Kira000.

You stated something along the lines that Kira should \"read the question before answering the response,\" and that the question was how would it affect emigrating to Australia and that there is a possibility the emigrant could be going in as a spouse or a defacto.

Alright, you are right in that most of the time, people DO NOT read questions before they start putting their 2 cents worth in. However, Kira actually provided a link to Australia\'s Immigration website that provides VERY useful information about obtaining a Visa. If you clicked on that link before posting your smart arse comment, you would have noticed that the individual inquiring on immigration could have selected the \"type\" of Visa he/she is interested in. There is a VERY DETAILED section that one can go to ---- Australian Immigration Fact Sheet 79 ---- that speaks about a person\'s character and the type of information the Australian Immigration authorities look for when making their decision based on the applicant\'s character criteria.

I am actually a solicitor and was trying to find information as to what factors Australia considers with regards to character and fitness in determining whether they will grant an applicant a Visa. It was because of Kira\'s response to the question that I was able to find the answer.

Thank you, Kira, for your response. I am quite sure your answer could help many people who are considering filing an application for an Australian Visa regardless what type they may be applying for.

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can i live in australia if im bankrupt?

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