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Which is worse for you, calorie-wise?

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mrs.chappie | 21:00 Wed 21st Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
A 150g packet of crisps, or a 250g tub of olives with feta cheese?

Ta chums. xxx


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Throw out the feta and eat the rest - havent a clue about anything else Im afraid mrs c
Sorry mrs c, not sure myself but I now have a craving for olives and feta cheese. I know which one I would choose regardless of the calories.
olives and feta cheese? I can't think of anything worse.. bleuuuuuuuuuurgh!
I'd go with 750g of leaves and twigs just to be on the safe side...
^ Quantity?
Is it those ones in the half circle? I think black olives have about 10 calories each and green ones have about 2 calories but I think that's the fresh ones and I reckon 10g of feta cheese is about 26 calories

Still reckon it is better than a packet of crisps regardless of how many calories

You know what have both - life is too short
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Thanks for replies y'all!

Dixie, now you come to mention it, that programme does ring a bell. I think I did see it. I was asking for my OH. He opted for the olives and feta cheese, which he loves! I asked because we're both on the chunky side and really do need to lose a bit of weight but it's proving very difficult as we both love our food. [:o(

Hey cath, how were your test results? Good news, I hope. xxx

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Which is worse for you, calorie-wise?

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