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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 05:15 Thu 22nd Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
34 Answers
Not long to the weekend again. we've got to muck about with the clocks this time. I wish they'd stop it.
Grumble over! Have a good day everyone.


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who? now i'm confused i need to go get a latte
beejay, yes x
glad i was able to talk you into it , sara
you're very persuasive.
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Oi ! The ? was for you want to sleep. that's fine. We ain't getting out of bed any time soon.
come on Sara, let's get cracking. We'll see you all anon. xxxxx
-- answer removed --
BS-will that stop you sucking mt toes---hope so
oh, BS.. nice of you to drop in ;o)

waterboatman, "let's get cracking"??? that's gotta be the all time best chat up line, lol!
yup sara
as good as the aussie one-- brace yourself, Sheila
Morning All.
Clocks going back is not too bad. A bit lighter in the mornings. Dark evenings are cosy!
Morning WBM and all - looking forward to the extra hour - would love an extra hour every weekend
When we wake up at 7am (for example), why don't we all put the clocks back 2 hours every day? Voila! 2 hours extra in bed!

At work, around 4pm...put the clocks forward 1 hour.....early home time every day!

sounds ideal to me

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Good morning early birds!

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