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flight simulator at bluewater mall

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evedawn | 15:45 Sat 24th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
It costs £69 and i am thinking of getting my hub a ticket as a treat but...want to know if anyone else has done it yet and if it's "worth it"

thanks all...


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How long do you get at the flight simulator's controls ?.
Question Author
well £69 is the starter and (from what i "gather" it lasts twenty minutes

£199 is for an hour

Im also curious tonyav how long the controls will be "his" for...

Dixie - i think you're right i should get it for him...
Are you sure that he might not like the 69 instead he he.
Question Author
tony that IS an idea he'd appreciate.... :-)
''Are you sure that he might not like the 69 instead''

How long will he get at the controls? ;-p
Question Author
snags - your mind is in the gutter...which incidentally is a place where mine can oft be found too...:-)
Hey snags, stop nicking my material. lol
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''snags - your mind is in the gutter...''

You're not the first to have mentioned that...
Question Author
don't be silly piles :-)
evedawn, why don't you have a go as well, you could practise with his ' Joystick ' first. LOL
From simulator to stimulater...
Naughty girl china. lol

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flight simulator at bluewater mall

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