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Lol are the twins growing on you yet??

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dothawkes31 | 21:41 Sun 25th Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
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i could see why they got through after the Britney Spears song, they were just so funny, but last nights epo they didnt deserved to stay. Miss Frank were unfortunately voted off and they were unique i really liked them, danyl johnson, also in bottom two... how? why arent these talented acts not getting the votes but acts like john and ed, even lloyed werent great (hes really cute though), he got the vote cos all the girls voted for him. stupid ppl votes for john and edward cos they want Simon cowel to move out of the country? (he said he'll move out of the country if John and Ed wins the x factor)

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Lol are the twins growing on you yet??

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