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can i post photos from the netbook i am on

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pericat | 02:35 Sat 31st Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
6 Answers
and if so - very simply how ?


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please don`t ;o)
Question Author
not of me Elvis - of the cats lol
Open an account on an image hosting website such Photobucket - upload your pics then post the picture links on here...

...or just whip some random cat images off the web... no one will know ;-p
Question Author
lol snags - you have given me my project for tomorrow - off to bed now - night
I meant the cats peri
Question Author
have joined photobucket - trying to load my photos on from my computer - i can just get as far as opening folder - any idea what I do then

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can i post photos from the netbook i am on

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