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dont you just hate when that happens

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pericat | 20:08 Sat 31st Oct 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
all that typing for nothing


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a couple of threads disappeared david - by a certain poster - doesnt do my answers removed total any good
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and hello to you too ?
Do you mean the thread about the persistent erection in B&S?
I went for a bath came back to see what else had been posted on it and its
I hope it wasn't me swearing at Sqad that got it banned.
Question Author
well daffy I hate to break it to you but the ed wants a word lol
PMSL....i've never been banned from AB in all the years i've used the site...there's a first time for everything I suppose. (^_^)

I don't usually swear but can't stand it when folks try and act superior with me. :-)
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Question Author
damn I missed the confession redhelen - oh fcuk I said damn - oh damn I said fcuk - will I go on ??
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Question Author
I'd never have guessed lol
thatched roof ??
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fairy nuff
Glad you enjoyed my confession red -plenty more where that came from :)
Question Author
dris - confess again - i missed it the last time
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Well put red -i'll save the rest for later -that was just a taster lol

peri -i'll fill you in later when i can post when the ED is watching the XFactor lol
Question Author
look forward to it

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dont you just hate when that happens

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