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Cardigan help!

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MissyA369 | 17:03 Tue 05th Jul 2005 | Shopping & Style
6 Answers
Can anyone please tell me where i can find a black cardigan online - like the one they currently have in dorothy perkins online. I really need to get one soon Thanks


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Hiya MissyA369...why don't you get the black dotty p's one if it's online??  Or see if they have it in the shops?  Alternatively, I don't know if you've tried river island online but I needed a skirt from a saturday night from there, ordered it on the Tuesday and it turned up on the Wednesday! 
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They dont have the black one anymore online or in the shop, i have tried river island but they dont seem to have one either. But thanks anyway :)
Ahh I spent all weekend looking for a black crochet cardigan.. Could I find one? Nope! What about Kays or some other catalogue shop? Not sure if it's just a plain cardigan you're after or one of the crochet type ones... Just had a quick look on Kays.. what about this one? d=KaysLS&cat_id=77&zone_id=0&prod_id=212372& amp;fh_secondid=212372&fh_view_size=11&fh_start_ index=11&fh_eds=%3f&fh_usertype=kayslsc2&fh_ location=%2f%2fpersonals%2fen_GB&fh_search=cardigan& amp;fh_refview=search

Only �10, and hurrah they have black!
Ah there was bound to be a catch... �18 for the black. pfft! out of stock in a few of the sizes too...
Question Author
yah! that is exactly the kind of one i was looking for, thank you for your help - and they have it in my size too!!
I work for dps if its the tie up one then its sold out the closest u will get is  new look.

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