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Can I say Adieu,auf wiedersehen....

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Bobbisox | 23:02 Thu 05th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
5 Answers
cheery-bye (yeuckkkkk)
Ta-ra, !!!
At last the weekend has arrived for the gals trip to York and the Charity Evening!
Stretch it in style!
arrive in York about 9-30 pm
so I will have a little chat till then...OK?



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The stretch limo bar wil be emptied minutes!

the poor driver, i feel for........ what sort of evening's that poor sod gonna have, eh?.....................and dont puke in the back of it, boobi'

bugger...............when's the next train out of York.......think I'll go to Doncaster.....
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I know how to have a good
hope they have a commode on board!!!!
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York , here we come

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Can I say Adieu,auf wiedersehen....

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