To answer your won question, why do you not look into the history before 9/11 of over one thousand and you would see that majority of the time its Muslims who have been killed. What you are getting now is the frustration crept in of decades where UNO resolution have been dumped into bins when it comes to the rights of the Muslims.
However if you find it difficult to go that far into the history then just let me know if American invasion of Iraq was right. To help you out I would like to remind you that even UNO were against that. So no one cares about UNO when it comes to Muslims.
Rules are very simple. Bring Justice and you would see peace. Unless a Palestinian child is not as important as Israeli there would be no peace in this world. Every American president visits Holocaust museum soon after getting elected. Has any American president ever visited the camps where Palestinians are living? Don't forget the dead, but do remember living too.