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Cintinuing my theme of sampling seasonal victuals

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dothawkes31 | 21:34 Sun 08th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
I have purchased a small bottle of Archers peach snapps as i was not sure if I still liked it, i will let you know, what drinks do you buy in especially for Christmas? I love Sheridans.


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I only drink whisky and my other half only drinks lager or Bacardi so they are the only drinks we ever have in year round. Christmas is expensive enough for us without having to fork out for drinks that will probablly still be in the cupboard several years from now :-)
I don't. I'm not around this christmas but if I was I'd only purchase what I like to drink and anticipate others doing the same. I don't expect others to pay for my drinking tastes and unless it's a christmas present, I won't be paying for other peoples. I rarely drink beer and I never drink spirits so it'd be a complete waste of money.
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Dot, try your Archers peach schnappes with pure orange juice and lots of ice cubes.
Was one of my favourite drinks when i used to drink!
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I lie shnappies too.
you sure you aint purchased a large bottle of mothers ruin to numb the pain lmao
the nutcracker suite would be right up your street
i love mulled wine this time of year
Oh i am so mortified NoKnow....*red face*.... 8/10 for my spelling ..i can never go out in public again ;-)

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