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annie0000 | 23:33 Sun 08th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Would you consider it inconsiderate to your neighbours to hoover your car at 9.10 on a weekend morning?


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Did you throw anything at him whitebear?
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I think when it is a kind of one off noise it doesn't bother me - it is the drone of a hoover (or lawnmower) that hacks me off. People have to live, I guess.
No, not at all.
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lol china - looks like just me then! - maybe I just need to go to bed earlier so I am not so grumpy.
Lol! In all fairness, I used to have a bloke who cut his hedges at 8:30am on a Sunday and I did find that unacceptable. As long as it's after 9am at the weekend, I'm generally quite easy going when it comes to noise.
hi china

you just stopped my heart for a beat or two lol x
but god help you if your noisy at 8,59......
Only a second or two? Jeeze... I must be slipping!

Fluffy - Absolutely... That's when I unleash hell....
beez kneez babes
annie i still aint your daddie lmao

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