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its freezing....

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afcjan | 11:40 Mon 09th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
its so cold today at work, there is no heating on and I am chilled to the bone. No one seems to be listening to my moaning.

what shall I do about it, I am sooooooo cold.

Hey Bobbiesox, just posted yr birthday card off today, hope u get it in time. Have a nice cold freezing bitterly cold wind freezing again day everyone. xx


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Hi Jan. I'm freezing too but at least I'm at home and can do something about it. I'm very tempted to crawl back into bed where it was nice and warm. No, too much to do, been putting off the housework all weekend! Hope you warm up soon. Keep nagging them to put some heating on. x
Put an extra jumper on or go and turn the heating up.
arrhhh Bless you Jan, must ring you on Thursday, catch up a bit...ok?
tell them you are walking out pet, you are not supposed to work in such cold conditions, failing that, get them to give you portable heaters till heating is fixed.

Bobbi x
The temperature is supposed to be a certain level or you've got grounds to walk out.

I don't know what the temperature should be though.
I believe the minimum is 16 degrees
Just stop moaning about it and do something constructive.
Approach your HR or your superior and make a proper request that the temperature be measured to see if it is actually low or if it is your state of health/clothing. Then remedy the problem as appropriate ie either put on extra layers or if the temperature is too low you have started proper procedures to get this rectified.
Sitting and moaning never achieves anything does it?
Oi MM, Jan was having a rant, she's not a moaner, I know her!

Bobbi x
we are not robots - we're allowed moan about the weather - we cant be like the stepford wives all the time lol
must admit it's getting a bit parky here......I've had to close the windows.......
first hard frost here, in Perth every thing is white, nice and sunny tho'
Hi, Afcjan, just read your complaint. Go to work dressed as an eskimo and your boss might take the hint and turn the heating up. Failing that, go home. Marbert.

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