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right i'd better go and walk my mutt

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zzxxee | 13:12 Tue 10th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
11 Answers
have a fabulous day everyone xxx


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Have fun zzxxee!!

Peaches xx
Have a great yourself, zzxxee..............enjoy walking the mutt

Do you ever give him/her scooby snacks, for being good?

Bet you do!

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he has everything yogi he is a spoilt git reallyxbless you peaches lol(the new name suits you) x

can i just say yogi thankyou very much for keeping me smileing with your lovely positive comments you and jj especially this week have lifted my mood on here and on sab, when i have had a pretty cr@p couple of weeks big xxxxxx for you and hope the college hunting for yogi junior goes well xx
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rinkins(peaches) you bad bad person you xx
You're a bad influence on me! Or shall I just blame JJ?!!! he he
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blame jj its always her fault (well anything rude anyway) lol x
bye zzxxee - have a walk for me too !
Question Author
ta ta peri chuck x

I'm sure i speak for JJ too, It's always a pleasure to speak to you, sweetheart......always!!

I know you've really had a miserable couple of weeks, but cos you're strong and the way you are, you'll beat and get over it too, my lovely. That's because you're a special lady.

Always there for you, you know that.

Have a super day walking your spoilt, but cute pooch!

lots of love yogi xxxxx
Question Author
cheers everyone right i really have to go now thankyou all for a fab morning enjoy your day what ever your doing chat sometime tommorow see ya xx
we really will have to swap emails soon yogi ta ta xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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right i'd better go and walk my mutt

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