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Partly Cloudy

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B00 | 12:15 Thu 12th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
Has anyone seen this short animation from Pixar yet? If you haven't I recommend it, it's fabulous.

It's also on You Tube too, under its title Partly Cloudy.

Watcha reckon?


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That's a treat for a chilly Thursday Morning..................:o)
Hiya Boo

Hope you're well, my lovely

This is brilliant........we all went as a family to see Disney's "UP" during half term break, and this was on before the main film started........our little cubs really laughed and laughed. Thought it was great.

Thanks for the link, Boo........I'll show it too them again when they come in from school this afternoon.

Have a great day

yogi xx
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Hey Jack and Yogi :-)

If you search via youTube there's loads of Pixar shorts on there, just watched one called Up which was funny too.
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bugger, not Up (got confused with what Yogi posted- doh!), I meant Lifted.
It's alright Boo.....i have that effect on's called

Will look on you tube for the pixar shorts, youi mention, including Lifted too.............i'm sure the little ones will love 'em....and thanks again, Boo
Loved that BOO, I'm a sucker for Pixar/Disney films. Saw 'Up' a couple of weeks ago which was tremendous, really well made and cracking story. errr I went with my niece honest...
thats a good site btw BOO, never been on that before, theres some good stuff there so thanks for that :P

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