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Bobbisox | 09:44 Thu 12th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
4 Answers
But who else is sickened by the M.O.D awarding bonuses to their staff when the people fighting a bl00dy war in Afghanistan,,,, which has bog-all to do with us, are ill equipt!!!!

casualties are increasing as it goes on, yet these civil servants see fit to have themselves a Merry Little Christmas!!!!!

<end of rant>

Her Royal Highness, Queen Bobbisox of the North


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this is me first 'duck-egg'
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i can see your point bobbi and i totally agree with what you are saying about civil servants lineing their pockets,
but the forces have been ill equipted for years and nobody complained inww1 and ww2 about lack of equiptment,
i'm not saying its right and yes we shouldnt be out in afghanistan but we have never supplied our forces with enough equiptment.....FACT X
A most justified and well-deserved rant, if I may say so Bobs.

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