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I'm in seventh heaven here

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dothawkes31 | 21:48 Thu 12th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
Traffic cops on BBC1 and they all have South Wales/Heads of the Valleys accents and it is lovely it is, theyre all going by there and I went there once.


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At least no one is bad in bed under the doctor.
I was just thinking the same Dot!! Yummy! Mind you this is an old one I've seen it before
Are either of you Welsh or do you just like the accent? (Only asking as I am from Aberdare.)
My Grandfather was Welsh and I love the accent too
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I worked at Howells of Cardiff and absolutely loved living out at lllantwit major. i even gave my eldest son a welsh name, he was born in the old St david;'s hospital. The people i worked with were fantastic, they made me feel so welcome and called me their little Liver Bird, cos to them i had a scouse accent!
I haven't lived there for ages - lived in Aylesbury for years and was alwasy getting 'Welshed' (my term for some smart elbow making a non-funny comment about being Welsh - like I wasn't aware of it). Now we live in Hereford and no one mentions my accent and some people use very Welsh words (like cwtch) so it's quite cool really.
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Oh I love Herfordshire, well, Ros On Wye to be precise, it is so romantic there, plus they have a place called Symonds Yat, how cool a name is that????
Been to Symmonds Yat - it's really nice, down by the river. The whole of Herefordshire seems quite nice, very laid back (after Aylesbury!)
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Not been to symonds yat since about 1974 but my memory is of a rock that jutts out over the river wye and you can see right down the river, amazing views

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I'm in seventh heaven here

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