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dothawkes31 | 22:18 Thu 12th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
Is that Big Ben?


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I like the churchy logo, very nice, is it an autumn scene? (there are a lot of leaves on the ground)
22:43 Thu 12th Nov 2009
ED thinks London is the only place dot...LOL
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I'm quite stunned and amazed that they chose to depict AB as so cosmopolitan, we're rough as ten on 'ere
It can't be. Big Ben is attached to the Palace of Westminster. That looks free standing to me.
Who set fire to the tree?
It's a cllock tower in anywhere.
I quite like it.
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No Jan I can definately see the edge of one of the Westminster towers hidden in the mist (or smog) i think it is the view of Westminster from that square foot of grass across from the Churchill statue
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It's not Ormskirk Clock tower as it has the Ormskirk one has a square top and there are no trees,
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Are there still any trees in London?
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it's actually a bell wizard66.......that may cheer him up.
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as an aside, i have just clicked on 'mark as best answer' for no knowledge.
why have a dog and bark myself ;)
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lol cazzz, would it that technology allowed for telepathy eh?

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