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This job

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karma22 | 22:41 Wed 11th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
38 Answers
Employed on part time basis, currentyl in my 3 month probationary period

Basically job isn't as it was described. Different hours, different pay, to what they offered me. Started me on higher wage then said they made a mistake and cut my pay.

They also always tell everyone that they can't go home until everythings done.

I always go home after I have worked my hours regardless whether the job is done or not, most other people stay on but they moan about it.

Tonight I got ready to go when time came and I had done my hours and was told that I couldn't go until I had finished tidying dept. I said I wasn't happy about it, then team leader said he didn't care I either do it or I don't so I said I won't and I went home.

Was I wrong?


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I agree with the sheep comment. However, the problem you have is that you're in the probation period, so they can dismiss you fairly easily. If you were a full-time employee, things get a bit more complicated..
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I'm not an immigrant. I'm a young English girl of 22 trying to get to grips with the ins and outs of working life.
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Hi Karma Chameleon.......

Got some trouble, sweetheart?
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I think full time jobs are becoming few and far between. My dad says you have more rights as a full time employee so I understand what you're saying.

Thing is I agree with my dads theory that employers have too much power and that they can get away with treating you unfairly sometimes which is wrong but the thing is unless the whole work force gets together and tries to make a change nothings gonna happen.
Obviously not then.........i'm off to the hammock....night night. x

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By being a bit uncooperative (as the employer would see it) I'll only do myself out of a job or money won't I?

But I agree with my dads thoughts but I should probably follow my mums advice and you guys on here which is to accept that thats life and get on with it.
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sorry yogi didn't see your post til just now.
oh, just debating the rights and wrongs of the land

night night xx
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What's wrong with you janzman??? Karma has been a regular on here for quite awhile. I don't see her language and writing ability to be far different from yours. She is simply a young woman getting to grips with what is expected of her in the working world.
karma22....put yourself in employers shoes.

You've opened a business (with ALL your money hinged on its success).

a:What would you expect of your staff?
b: Who would get a bonus?
c: Who should you sack or not employ?
have you been diciplined then? have you been sacked today?
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Was a bit worried about today. Managed to avoid the team leader though and he was probs trying to avoid me. Assistant manager had a word with me about it and told me I need to be more of a team player but that she could understand my view point.

We all left 10 minutes early tonight though. Probs only cus I made a stand.

Still looking for a new job though.
I know it sucks but stay there till you get another job x
If they appear to have listened to you, then do something tomorrow that shows commitment.
I hope that you left 10 minutes earlier because you were all efficient with your time and focused on your tasks karma. Don't get complacent, don't think there are loads of jobs out there, this time of year Christmas temps are taken on and any of them that are any good get kept on, it's up to you to prove you are right for this job and that you can show you understand the demands of retail during the busiest time.
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yeah I'll just knuckle down do my best work hard and then get the hell out of there asap x
Good advice from good people, Karma Chameleon.......

Hope it works out for you, sweetheart. :0)

yogi x

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