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daneswalk | 23:54 Thu 12th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
hi dot mines is worse than yours i took my driving test years ago the question i was asked if you are driving coming down a hill and your brakes failed what do you do my answer was to drop to the lowest gear no he said drive it into the side of the road i said no once again shove it into reverse gear no ance again he failed me and didnt give me the answer do you know what i should have done


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have you been in that De Lorian again daneswalk???? that is my story about my driving test in an automatic mini that i think i posted about 3 years ago!!!!!!!!!! He asked me that question and I told him the same as you, the answer is to work down throught the gears, but i said 'but it's an automatic' and he said' well someone has not shown you how to drive an automatic properly' 35 years later and 35 years of driving automatics i still do not know how i would cope if my brakes failed on a hill!!! (i hope you have rigged that cable up to the clock tower cos i have to be in work by 8am tomorrow).............: (((
My mind is boggeling what happened there???????????
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hi dot i really love your answers i just thought i would try this one out and i knew you would answer by the way i am still driving after 62 years and i consider myself to be a good driver
lol I know I couldn't be bothered now with all this new hazard awareness and theory test, I took my first two tests in Crosby and didn't know the streets, the last one i took in Southport and it was a breeze!!!
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i just thought this might provoke a better discussion however it looks like they have all gone to bed so i shall do likewise have a good glass of grouse and hope i sleep well night to you dot and anyone else who is on line
Nite daneswalk, sleep well my man!
I would pull the handbrake on as hard as I could.

It works in a different way to the footbrake, so should still work.
ahhhh, but, my driving examiner dismissed that form of action as he had said that 'all the braking systems had failed'.
Well he doesn't know much about cars then.

He sounds like the nerd who took my test.

I heard from my friends Mum who knew him, that he was taken into a mental hospital a while later.

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