Has anyone used their phone advice line and what have you to say about it?! (im in need of some career/job advice and thought they might be worth a go)
I used to work for them back in 2001. I can only say that as call centre ops we always did our damndest to give good service and advice. However, at the point I left they were starting to take on 'front line' people with a lot less in terms of specialist knowledge, meaning more enquiries had to be put onto the 'find out and call back' list. They were also becoming a lot more target orientated and I fellt the personal service was lacking as a result. They're a couple of the reasons I left when I did.
Their online courses? OK, but there were a lot of software incompatibility problems with them at that time. Not that we ever admitted as much, mind. Whether they've improved, I don't know.
Their careers advice line hadn't really kicked in back then, so I'm not able to comment on that.
Suffice to say that Learndirect is NOT a private company. It's a brand name of UfI, which is a government funded quango. Make of that what you will.
If you're still looking for information on careers, learning and jobs, learndirect advice is now the Careers Advice Service and we're still going strong.
Call us on 0800 100 900 - our friendly advisors are here from 8am to 10pm, seven days a week. Or visit us at http://www.direct.gov.uk/careersadvice to browse our Job Profiles, work on your CV, search for a course or email an advisor.