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Why is it that

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brenda | 18:08 Sat 14th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
that when teams line up before the kick off in an International match and the anthem of the country they have been chose to represent is played , so very few sing or even attempt to sing.They can't all be anti -royals, in the case of England ,can they.?


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brenda I have noticed this , I think it should be obligatory to sing your anthem if you are representing your country
Too busy chewing gum half the time but at least I belt it out !!!
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Shy????----I don't think so , especially when you hear of the behaviour of some England players in nightclubs and so on.Cr8p singers maybe , but they could at least pretend.

I wouldn't have any player in my team , no matter how good he was , if he couldn't manage to at least show that being chosen to represent his country was one of the highest honours possible, and was prepared to sing along with the thousands of fans who have paid to watch the game.
If they're not sure how to pretend to sing just sit them down infront of old footage of TOTP
or a Britney Spears concert....
....or certain speciial guests on XFactor...the list is endless..

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