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Good morning early birds!

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waterboatman | 06:11 Sun 15th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers
It's Sunday and Ireland are playing Australia on the idiot box. I hope it's a better game than the Scotland v Fiji game yesterday. Scotland only won because Fiji played worse than they did.
Have a good day everyone.


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Good Morning WBM.

You must be getting a complex because no one is answering you.

I suspect it is because, like me, Rugby leaves everyone cold.

It is ever since I was forced to play it at school on cold autumn days.

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LOL panic. No problems. Not everyone likes rugby as you say, Got to start with something though! I'm always up early, well, usually anyway. i get an enormous amount of work done in the early morning. It's the best time of day, there is a beautiful dawn about to entertain us.
Morning WBM - You'll be happy to know that both Gray and I survived the shopping trip.. no flinging self off Westfield Car Park needed! awake stupidly early! I blame the cat...!!! have a good day people..
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Morning hippy. LOL, I'm delighted the shopping safari went well. see, you were worrying for nothing ;-) Maybe that's why you are awake in the middle of the night.
I have taken a days leave, and was looking forward to sleeping in a bit.

Unfortunately I forgot to tell the cat,so I'm awake.

Should be a good day. I am taking my daughter and her friend to the flicks later to see 'Up'.

It's a cartoon, but apparently is very good and amusing for adults as well as children.

Before that I am going to blow a load of Tesco Clubcard vouchers in Pizza Express.

Happy Days.
Panic - 'Up' is a lovely film.. don't forget to pack your tissues...!! ;-)
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Sounds like a delightful day in store for you panic.
I shall go and get the paper, cook lunch, (sweet and sour pork with turmeric rice) then watch the rugby with a pint or six of Guinness, then we are out to visit an old mate this evening.
Why do we tolerate cats?
mornin wbm n all-
rugby today here too
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LOL beejay.
Panic, I have no idea why we tolerate cats. it beats me.
Morning everyone, I'm hoping to watch the rugby today too.
Mt cat usually wakes me up but she slept in later today, bless her - still purring here beside me now :D
Enjoy your day whatever you do everyone xxx
must get myself a cat-- i feel left out here
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Morning bensmum. xxx It should be a good match.
Morning WBM and everyone. WBM pork and rice on a Sunday.Whats happened to the good old traditional beef and yorkies lol. Would not be without them on a sunday. And like you yes early morning best time to get jobs done and if I don't get them done early morning they just don't get done. Have a nice day all I am off out for the day.
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Morning wendi. there is only the two of us, if we have a roast we are still eating it Thursday, It's no good trying to roast a small joint.
I don't know whether you saw the England v Argentina game, but one could certainly say that England won courtesy of a scraped try - involving a suspiciously forward pass - and that Argentina did not really 'deserve' to lose. I think their kicker missed even more often than Wilkinson, so the result might have been quite different. England were their usual atrocious selves throughout the first half...even Martin Johnson couldn't hide his despair!
Morning waterman & everyone!
Day at home today, clean up due! Have a great day you lot! x

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Good morning early birds!

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