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peri has talked about scoobies, what other childhood 'toys' have disappeared fro ever?

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Bobbisox | 16:03 Thu 19th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
56 Answers
I used to love playing jacks and chucks, spent hrs with them
tops and a whip, wouldn't be allowed now would it, what a shame!


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I broke 3 teeth and my nose and got a hairline fracture of the skull playing british
awwww i want to meet him

vibes i think its your fault i can;t stop sing scooby snacks now...
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he's coming on later with snags fluff, it's his long lost cousin from Australia y'know
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they banned british bulldog in my school after a while.......... i wonder why??? lol
yes vibra those 3d things did you have one. I had the red one
well i had dead kennedys version, not sure which is better!

i think we had it banned as well!
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I wanted that one was that the shark one. Everyone used to take them in on last day of school. If you wernt using that you'd be crowded round teh desk of people playing screwball scramble
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marbles + catapult = stinging ear and naughty step......
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a curtain...LOL
I would love to know how your mind works NK pet!
aww craft did you get attached to that Naughty step as you were on it so much?

Her Royal Highness, Queen Bobbisox of the North
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Has anyone mentioned clackers?
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ohhh yes mrs c, clackers, hurt you sometimes if you got the rythmn wrong

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peri has talked about scoobies, what other childhood 'toys' have disappeared fro ever?

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