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john1066 | 17:43 Sun 22nd Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
28 Answers
Stacey.......Yes? x


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Joe for me and thats not 'cuz he's a Geordie!
Stacey is Bernie Winters reincarnated

Evening Joy - She reminds me more of Marti Caine - I also think Joe is the better singer on the show.
He is a good singer DEN (just a phone call of afcjan) and he's a little sweetie too, those little dimples...Arhhhhhh
hello smelly sox,wee joe for me,
joe had better get through......I've spent about a fiver....
don't you actually mean schnorbitz Bobbi?
No I definatley mean BW post
Oi less of the smelly...pmsl@slinky
I've just had me shower to go to the quiz

Bobbi x
your'e getting too much bl00dy pension crafty..he-he

Bobbi x

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