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back in the real world...........

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dothawkes31 | 00:37 Tue 24th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
9 Answers
My neighbour two doors down has put all his outdoor Christmas lights up including a nodding rehindeer and sleigh on his shed roof, it's like bloody Blackpool!!! I'm not putting mine up until 1st December!


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Bah, humbug
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I did mutter a similar phrase, I wouldn't mind but he has light up Bart Simpson and stuff like that!!! Not exactly Christmassy are they? A hot air balloon too, where does that come into Christmas???
Hi Dot

My late mother would have regarded both you and your neighbour as 'incredibly common' and would have 'tutted' all the way down the street. When I was a child, Christmas decorations in our house went up at 6pm on Christmas Eve and not a second earlier ;-)
do they collect for charity dot?
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Oh I am quite refined where my outdoor Christmas lights are concerned, they are all the same blue LEDs and all form a totally symetrical pattern across the windows and exterior wall, none of this garish reds and yellows, very sedate and tasteful lol
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no i don't think so craft they just collect stella bottles in their blue wheelie recycle bin.
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I wouldn't mind so much but I can't stand the santa's and reindeer.
It's just so.................ack.
But I do love those strings of lights that u get going round the eves. they are just pretty. I got some strung round my conservatry.

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back in the real world...........

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