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mccfluff & rinks

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Changing_man | 11:09 Tue 24th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
19 Answers
it's just ...........................A Day in the Life


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(Am I being thick here or what?)
How's your head this morning?
Question Author
sound ummmm i drank sensillybilly last night
Question Author
yes wrinks you are being thick, maybe jackthehat will explain.
i prefer to let you suffer
Changing_man likes to throw in the odd song lyric as an answer..............
I respond by posting follow-up lyrics.

He and I have given you a snippet of 'A Day in the Life' by the Beatles.

I am obviously more thoughtful than he is as I have given an explanation to ease your suffering. :o)
i guess i'm being thick as well then
but what does that have to do with me and rinky, good god someone get me an expresso!
Question Author
jack , i didn't start the fire. read back on that thread rinks started it .
He also started off 'Wake up Little Suzy'.................but changed the names........
aha just read the good morning thread, i get it now

and i'll be singing wake up little suzie all day now......
No, you didn't light it,
But we'd try to fight it !
Question Author
I can’t take it anymore
We didn’t start the fire But when we are gone Will it still burn on, and on, and on, and on... on, and on, and on
and on, and on... on, and on, and on and on, and on... on, and on, and on
^ An excellent choice, if I may so say, changing_man.
One of my favourite songs.................even if it is by Billy Joel :o(
Question Author
i prefer this one , it means so much to me .
Okay...............that's not too bad, either.
And I suppose it has a particular resonance for you :o)
I just can never forgive him for 'Uptown Girl'...................and allowing Westlife to cover it :o(
ach give me some foo fighter or phonic's
Question Author
your just jealous jack cos he was maintaining
But why the hell did he think 'Uptown Girl' was a suitable vehicle to declare his undying................?

It's hardly 'Layla' it ?!?
i remember dancing to uptown girl at out infant school xmas disco, i was in fancy dress as an xmas tree

funny what memories songs bring back!

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