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The Weakest Link..

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john1066 | 20:42 Tue 24th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
10 Answers
Going for my audition tomorrow.....Any advice?....Be gentle with me...x


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you will walk it
form a clique in the green room
when addressing Anne dont say anything like ..'an heres to you' or 'goo goo to choo'
lol janzman

don't ask for the name of her plastic surgeon
Plastic.....more like Polyfilla
no one is allowed to smart mouth anne
dont mention Wales or Whales even !!
Dye your hair red!!!
My neighbour was on there and was voted off in the 1st round , mind you he is a numpty.
I couldnt go on that show, that spindly little ginger molasc having a pop at everyone in the name of entertainment for a poulty 2 grand without being allowed to get my oar in would annoy me

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The Weakest Link..

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