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friend asking to borrow money

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slinky.kate | 20:44 Tue 24th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
42 Answers
my friend phoned me today for a loan of a couple of hundred pounds,she still owes me a hundred so i said i dont know if i have eneugh,i'm sure she knew i was lying but i.m just getting fed up her asking all the time,she does pay it back a hundred at a time but this time last year she owed me over £600,how can i let her down gently as i love her to bits and she is very good to me?


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if she was questioning me about my shopping and trying to make out I was making up excuses I would give her a right mouthful, and I mean a right mouthful. ***
Me too cazzz,the words "it is none of your bl00dy business what I spend MY money on" would be in there somewhere.

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friend asking to borrow money

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