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Changing_man | 01:53 Wed 25th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
17 Answers


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I'm cleansing my palate....
Yep, just got another Southern Comfort. I love the Tesco delivery man. Chocolate too!
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what for ummm all i did was press F5
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I might have to have a Stella as I've run out of wine and I'm watching silent witness again.
Steradent...I don't know what that is?
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No thanks tony. I'll stick to my Southern Comfort and Aero Minty Bubbles. It's all craft's fault, she mentioned them from Tescos and cos they're half price, well you've got to haven't you?
Or Jamiesons...
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I wouldn't know. My Dad use to drink it. I think just because it was Irish.
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I got drunk on Jamiesons one night with my Dad then he went and fell over in the street. I couldn't get him mate still has the answer phone message of me crying down the phone. (that was the day he was given 6 months to live) We didn't make a habit of it.
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It's a funny precious memory...He was a big man.

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