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Good morning

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magsmaria | 10:35 Wed 25th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
8 Answers
Good morning from wet and stormy glasgow..x


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Good morning from windy Northampton. There's a few recycling bins blown down the street.
Morning Maria, calm here in Newcastle at the moment, but coldddddd
Her Royal Highness, Queen Bobbisox of the North
Bit windy here but sunny blue sky cold ( York )
lovely here

Ankou, Oberour ar Maro, Collector of Souls, Oberour ar Maro, Collector of Souls
Windy here....and the weather is too.
Ankou, Oberour ar Maro, Collector of Souls what's that?!!! ^^^^
Oh I see LOL
bit of an error in the auto facilty in that it says it twice.

Ankou, Oberour ar Maro, Collector of Souls, Oberour ar Maro, Collector of Souls

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Good morning

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