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Can a troll change it's spots?

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Bobbisox | 14:14 Wed 25th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
27 Answers
Why not a 2 strike and then yer out ban?
Pehaps a lesson has been learned ?
Or has it?
Do people change, or will they always be nasty ba$-tards to other people?
Bobbi x


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Meh, he's called me worse :P
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I suppose the ones that nip in and out are the ones I would have been familiar with BOO, I have been slated by some of them, I know in the past you have had a tirade of abuse, I think you mentioned it, now, that kinda of thing should never have been tolerated, I don't suppose any of it should, but I was thinking, would these people have learned anything from being banned, or are they just horrible human beings?
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perhaps Ankou, Oberour ar Maro, Collector of Souls is right, this has been di-sected loads of times
Bobbi x
crikey that ab censorship thing has gone into override, that ^^ made no sense to me at all
Right, gotcha Bobbs- to be honest, those guys never really bothered me much. True their rants usually weren't aimed at me, so I guess that's why I wasn't so bothered. but no, no room for them here, nor should they be either.

My rants usually came from those that shall not be named that were purged a month or so ago.

Vibra- tried googling, but didn't come up with owt? You got a link?

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