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what have you tasted that has made you retch?

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Bobbisox | 22:37 Wed 25th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
54 Answers
Clean ansers NoKn... be a good lad...LOL
with me it was at a Chinese Restaurant when I had what I thought to be chicken and it turned out to be a horrible marshmallow texture stuff which name escapes me, it was disgusting



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buggered if I know what part of a pig it was boobi..........
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ooohhhh gross craft and you had to eat that?
aren't chitterlings the cheek bits?

don't like bubble and squeak
just googled them.....they're pigs intestines.......luverly jubbly
Rice pudding aswell.

Generally things that are sweet/savoury when i'm used to them the other way. I love rice in chinese food and risottos but can't stand them in sweets. Plus i hate honey/syrup in a starter or main course but love it in stuff like flapjacks or on toast.

Is that normal.
OMG worse than the cheek bits :(

Chitterlings and pigs intestines!!
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omg I feel sick now...LOL
creme caramel, bread and butter pudding, home made rice pudding.

anything that forms a skin.. gross :o/
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most ses-food, errr when I see the oysters slither from their shells down peoples gobs...Nooooooooooooo
I make lovely oven baked rice puddings with nutmeg on of my favourite puddings....
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Oh yeah and anything with hot raisins/saltanas in, but not hot prunes.

Until someone mentioned bread and butter pudding, i'd forgotten that they make me retch the worst.
runny scrambled eggs ... yuck

when i was pregnant i was partial to eating bits of lemon soap

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what have you tasted that has made you retch?

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