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Has anyone had

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brenda | 18:01 Sat 28th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
14 Answers
snow today in their region.?


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But it is very very cold though!
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Few hailstones last night and a few again today, but now it's pouring with icy cold rain (in my bit of Sussex)
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docspock what a wag you are. As soon as i had posted the question I realised how it could be taken . My brain must be in the washing machine at the moment.Brenda.
Yup - on the high ground.
err brenda, if you have had the white stuff and you live in my neck of the woods ????
I'ts certainly cold enough tho'
bobbi x
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Bobbi -- was asking who had , not that I had .
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going over the snake pass tomorrow morning to pick up my grandson from Manchester airport, is there any snow up there?
There was snow on the Black Mountains today (right at the very top) but you could see it from Hereford.
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