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Baby Shower

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beanebabe | 22:04 Sat 28th Nov 2009 | ChatterBank
7 Answers
I've been invited to a baby shower next week! Has anyone been to one? Do I need to take a present? What else goes on?


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Never been to one but when you see them on TV their are always presents involved.
That's why you're take a present.
I think you have to buy a gift for the baby, "showering with gifts"
I want 2 retrospective baby showers. my eldest would like a new mobile phone, the youngest wants some dreadful Nike trainers.

all welcome :o)
Isn't it a horrible American tradition? LOL

So not only are you expected to buy the baby a present when it arrives, you've to sodding buy one before it does too!
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Baby Shower

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