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tea set

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insurance | 18:56 Thu 14th Jul 2005 | Home & Garden
5 Answers

can any answer bankers help me with this one? I have a tea set passed down in the family which is a least 85 yrs old.I would like to know what the markings on the bottom mean.  it says ivory china then a drawing of a crown then the letters N.S thanks in advance.



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N.S stands for North Staffs (known as the Potteries).  It might be more difficult to find the manufacturer as quite a few of them had a crown in their markings.  Are there no other clues at all?

Try this site:

It has pictures of all the trademarks, listed alphabetically.  It might mean trawling through them all but you should find one to match hopefully.

I did start looking for you but its far easier if you look as you can see the tea set!


Further to Sammy's Link,this is another page from the excellent site!

This list the Potteries by name etc.

Sorry Sammy not stealing your thunder I hope?

Not at all mystress!  I did start searching the site but got bored very quickly which is why I posted the link, so insurance could look for him (or her?) self - save me doing it! 

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thanks for your replys i have been on the sites you recomended but cannot find the right crown.also is there another name for ivory china as i cannot find that?


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