paperound, work in small local shops (not serving alcohol and tobacco ect), work in a chippy, more of a summer job, but they could do gardening for neighbours, dog walking.
There are quite strict restrictions on the hours you can work and the person employing you will need to apply for a work permit from the local social services, your school will be informed about the work permit being issued and if your school work starts to suffer they will contact the person employing you about it.
Yeah i'm in a football competition tomorrow and we have to meet up by 7.45 to travel there and one of the people on my team has a paperround which they're having to get someone else to do because they're not allowed to go into the shop to collect the papers before 6.30 and the round takes an hour.
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Do you know the answer?
is there any jobs that under 16's can do whilst still in school?